Seminar rooms

We arrange packages for your meetings, seminars or training courses. These packages include the hire of versatile, fully-equipped rooms to accommodate 10 to 70 people, together with meals and refreshment breaks.
Seminar rooms
Salles de séminaire
Apéritifs dînatoires

The André Tissières room has an induction loop for people with hearing impairments who have hearing aids with a T setting.

We offer bespoke packages. Seminars may be organised for half a day, a whole day or over several days.

You are also welcome to consult us about any special requests you may have: meals, accommodation, team-building activities, etc.

Please don’t hesitate to send us an enquiry.


Send us an enquiry

Our “Best Price Guarantee” ensures you to get the best price on our website for your booking in comparison to our partner sites. In addition, we guarantee the best quality service.
Online reservation
Easy booking for your next stay with our online reservation service!
Martigny Boutique-Hôtel
Rue des Vorziers 7
CH-1920 Martigny
T. +41 27 552 10 00
F. +41 27 552 10 01
Location map

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